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Amy Lamprecht: Finding A Passion For Running
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Amy Lamprecht: Finding A Passion For Running

Who is Amy Lamprecht?

An ambassador for Bluey Merino, Amy Lamprecht is an Australian ultra-marathon champion and co-owner of Ultrain and UltraChix coaching in Tasmania. Born in Tasmania, Amy grew up in various Hydro towns as her father worked for the Hydro. Now, she has three children between the ages of 15 and 24.

While Amy claims she wasn't a great runner to start off with, she says it was her determination that turned her into the running legend she is today. Just recently, Amy won the Cradle Mountain Run, an 82-kilometer, one day traverse of Tasmania’s famous Overland Track, running from Cradle Mt to Lake St Clair with a time of 7:20. Her only pre-run tradition? Two glasses of wine the night before each event!

Here's how Amy found her passion for the sport and her top tips for beginners.

Finding her passion for running

Amy took up running nearly 20 years ago when her girls were little as a way to stay in shape - but it quickly turned from just an exercise to an entire lifestyle. One of her biggest inspirations is fellow ultra runner, Jackie Guy, for being such a great representative for women in the sport.

So how, after 20 years, how does Amy still find the motivation to keep going during a run? The answer's simple: food! She says she likes to earn her dinner, so she always plans what she's going to eat before she heads out for a run to have something to look forward to. In all seriousness, Amy says that running gives her 'a feeling of freedom' and that's what keeps her passionate.

Amy turned her passion into a career when she co-founded Ultrain Running - a crew of trail runners and adventure seekers who train, organise events, and plan missions of all kinds to keep them excited to move outdoors.

Amy's top tips for those who want to start running

Take it easy

Amy often sees people pushing themselves too hard when they start out in running. Her best tip for beginners is to go easy and walk when needed.

Wear the right clothing

Wearing the right clothing is important for all runners. Amy loves how Bluey Merino gear dries quickly and stays soft, even with dry sweat on it.

Get your sleep

One thing Amy wished she knew when she first started running was the importance of sleep for recovery. She says she's practicing more sleep, less training these days!

Don't fear the snakes

As a runner in Australia, you'll likely have some encounters with wildlife. Even though all snakes in Tasmania are venomous, in all her years of running, Amy found that the snakes she's come by are relatively placid and will usually just try to hide.

For Amy, trail running (particularly in Tasmania) has become a huge part of her life. She’s seen so many places and met so many people that she otherwise would not have had the opportunity. Running for Amy is far beyond a hobby, it’s how she relaxes, escapes, and socializes, and it has given her a great appreciation of our native bush life.



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